The second session of Week 5 kicked off with a Kahoot quiz on what the student had learned in the previous session after which they moved on to the lesson of the day.
The trainer explained Value propositions to the students as the promise made to users of products or services. He then talked about how every social venture starts with a problem worth solving. The students were allowed to discuss why their problems are worth solving. Mr. jerry moved on to talk about the 10-word impact statement. He explained that this statement helps measure how solutions formulated will drive impact.
The students were introduced to the SOAR model. SOAR stands for strength, opportunity, aspiration, and results. The trainer told the students that he would provide them a printed document for them to fill out the SOAR model as it applies to their projects. He further explained the difference between customers, users, and their beneficiaries.
To end the class, Mr. Jerry, gave the students an assignment to write five competitors each for their individual business ideas. Some students had questions concerning their project, to which the trainer assisted them. They all then left for their various homes