On the 5th of May 2021, the trainer did a review of what they learned last week and then they moved on to the day’s activities. Students were taught how to type and they practiced using a typing tutor known as Typing Speed Online. The trainer checked their speed and accuracy while they were engaged in this activity.
Afterward, they moved on to the next topic which was Data Files. Ms. Oreo explained a data file as a computer file that stores data to be used by a computer application or system, including input and output data.
From there she led the class to access google docs and she also taught them how to do some basic editings in it to suit the purpose of creating the document. The trainer also mentioned some basic shortcuts they needed to know while working with Google Docs which were sharing google docs with others, commenting in google docs, copying texts, cutting texts, how to print a document after you have worked on it, inserting an image or video via URL and finally, viewing a document in a presentation mode.
In closing, the students were given an assignment using Google Docs to write about their hometown. Students stayed to finish their assignments and some departed to their homes.