Cohort 1 of the upshift training program had its third session today. The session was designed to redefine their community challenges and some characteristics of a social innovator, such as collaboration, creativity, and leadership.
Prior to the start of the session, students were given some snacks, after which they began their presentations on the research topic: community problems and solutions to them. The problems identified were unemployment, teenage pregnancy, choked gutters, truancy, malaria, water problems, and choked gutters. The solutions given were creating job opportunities, sex education for teenagers, ensuring a clean environment, and building more toilet facilities. The communities in which their research was based included Mempaasem, Bawleshie, BlackBerry Avenue, and American House. Mr. Jerry advised them to narrow their research topics down to problems within their capabilities that can be solved.
The session continued with a paper challenge where each group was tasked with designing an A4 sheet such that they could wear it. The members of each group were brainstorming ideas to create this design. This activity on creativity was great fun and the students really had a good time trying to get the paper to go through their bodies. After that, each group presented their design. Out of 6 groups, only one group was able to get the design right. Later, the trainer demonstrated how to actually cut the paper and encouraged everyone to try it out.
At the end of the session, each group was tasked with creating a ‘foot tower’ with their shoes. Mr. Jerry measured each tower and announced the winning group. Afterwards, they departed for their various homes and destinations.
this is really good idea that help adolescent and youth community problem solving