In Soronko Academy’s quest to equip women with the needed digital skills in today’s world, the Women In Digital Skills 13.0 participants held their fourth soft skills session on the 25th of June 2021, led by Mr. Jerry Aidoo, Manager of the Soronko Business Solutions Center. The topic of the day was Mobile Photography, where students were taught different types of photography and angles to shoot photos. The ladies were paired up for an activity where a student played the role of the photographer and the other person was a model. They were also taught how to use props that enhance their looks.
The activity was to help the ladies practice the different types of shots they had learned and also practice what they had been taught about product shooting. Participants were then taken through exposure; the trainer explained exposure as the amount of light that reaches the camera’s sensor or film. He also explained that there are three ways your camera can control the amount of light reaching the image sensor. These were the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.
In closing today’s session, he outlined photography accessories such as the gimbal, the mobile tripod, the Gorillapod, the Speedlite light, reflector, Softbox, the Canon 50mm Prime Lens, and the Telephoto Lens.
Today’s session was very engaging as the students were amazed at the magic they could create with their phone cameras.