The second cohort of UPSHIFT Social Innovation entered their second week of training today. Today’s class was designed to help students identify problems in their community by using different research methodologies.
The session started with the trainer, Mr Jerry, explaining to the students what research is and the different research methods. He then asked the students to identify some problems in their communities. The students identified the lack of toilet facilities and poor sanitation as the specific problems in their communities. He used examples to enable the students to have a better understanding of the different types of research.
He went on to illustrate Perspective Thinking with the use of several photographs. He also talked to them about what stakeholders are and how important they are in the community. He then taught the students how to conduct an interview and what questions they should ask. Mr Jerry, the trainer, divided the participants into six groups based on their localities. He then gave each group an assignment to research the issues in their communities. He urged them to use the categories presented in today’s class to identify the problem.
The class ended after students submitted their assignments from the previous session.