Day three’s session began with a Kahoot game where the ladies did a recap of what they had learned from the previous session. The ladies had so much fun playing this game and every one of them was eager to win the prize. In the end, we got a winner and they all seem excited.
The trainers began the day’s lesson with a continuation of what they did on Tuesday, the 23rd of June 2020. They introduced the day’s topic; which was an Introduction to HTML5. Participants were taken through the definition of HTML and then they explained HTML as the standard for displaying information in a web browser. The trainers took them through the attributes and tags in HTML5.
Students were also given a brief history of HTML when Html 5 was released. The trainers added that the current version we have is 5.2 but, it is called HTML5. Additionally, they explained a website as the collection of one or more HTML pages and the HTML tags were described as what tells the browser how to display specific content.
The trainers gave an example of HTML as a house and tags as the blocks used in the building of the house. They also defined what a tag is and stated that there are two types of tags; the paired and unpaired tags. Students were shown examples of each of these tag types, they were also given graphic examples like Instagram and citifmonline.com’s websites.
Next, they moved on to tag attributes. The trainers explained that these tags were used to specify special behaviours for tags.
Afterwards, they went on a lunch break. They were treated to a sumptuous meal and good music. The session resumed shortly with discussions on the elements and structure of HTML. The trainers took each tag in the structure and explained it thoroughly to the students. This session was very practical and interactive, some students took turns to help out students who needed help. It was fulfilling to see the excitement on the faces of the participants, anytime they experienced the effects of their codes in their browsers.
They ended the session by completing the heading tags, paragraph, image, bold, italic, hr, and anchor tag. The class came to a close after this.
The next session promises to be very practical and we are keenly waiting for it. #PreTechDiaries