On 13th September 2021 the first session of the third week for the National female Pre-Tech training program participants. The class’s discussion of variables and functions continued.
They reviewed arithmetic functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division today. The trainer ensured that each lady went through all of the variables before submitting them, while so their trainer could double-check that they had written the correct codes. Participants then printed out functions that performed the arithmetic of their choice.
They then created their first application right after this. They also installed an Android development environment on their phones.They also enabled USB debugging on their phones so that the apps they created could run on them. Some of the ladies were successful in downloading and running the fon on their Android devices. Ms Mazior helped the ladies troubleshoot the errors they encountered.
Participants then took a thirty-minute lunch break at 1:00 pm and continued with their project work after they returned.
They spent the majority of the day configuring USB debugging on their Android phones so that they could run the applications. Finally, the class came to a close.