The fourth edition of the Women in Digital Skills Class has successfully come to an end.
During the course of study, the participants learnt among other things, how to build websites in HTML and CSS. They were also introduced to a strong foundation on digital skills, digital media and social media management.
On Friday, May 10th, 2019, each participant presented a complete website to the whole class and the Soronko Team. We were privileged to have Mrs Regina Honu, the CEO of Soronko Academy as the special guest of honour. As she attentively observed the presentation, she marvelled at what the ladies had been able to create over a short period of time.
Mrs Honu spoke to the participants and informed them of how proud she was of their progress within a short period of time. She advised them to consistently practice their hands on their codes to get accustomed to it. She offered free hosting for the websites. She also informed them that they would be receiving weekly updates of opportunities in the digital space from job, funding, investment etc. She later presented each participant with a certificate to showcase their successful completion of the six-week Women in Digital Skills program.
Special thanks to our trainers and training assistants Cyril Agbewali, Oreoluwa Akanni, Amari and the whole Soronko team