The first session of week two of the WIDS class began with Moses taking the ladies through what they learnt last week. The class was introduced to Digital Marketing Strategy. The trainer went ahead to discuss with the ladies digital marketing strategies such as Defining your goal, analysing your context, being strategic with your content, plan resources, Implement and measuring your efforts.
The participants then learned the steps to build their digital marketing strategies and further went deeper into the process necessary for each of these strategies discussed.
Next, the trainer assigned students to groups to come up with a Marketing Strategy for a business within 15 minutes. After this, he tasked each group to make a short presentation of the task he assigned to them. Each took turns to explain what their business is and using the various marketing strategies learnt in the class they explained what their goal is, their content, resources they have available and how to implement their ideas. The trainer explained that an important step in the marketing strategy is the implementation aspect.
In closing, Moses urged the students to go through what he had thought them and added that he would share learning materials to help explore more on these strategies