On September 6th, 2021, participants of the National Female Pretech Program, Mobile App edition, had their sixth session for the second week. The objective of the class was to get their flutter demos up and running.
The class picked up where the last one left off. The class continued to download and install the Android SDKs. They began with their Android installations. They also set up their Android Studio environment. It is a unified environment in which you can develop for all Android devices. You can also apply changes to push code and resource changes to your running app without restarting it.
Ms. Mazior, who was in charge of the class, assisted the students in setting up their flutter environment. They made files and folders to store the codes they intended to manipulate. The ladies encountered challenges, such as their equipment not being compatible with the program, but their trainer was on hand to assist.
Participants took a thirty-minute lunch break at 1:30 pm and continued to set up their demos when they returned.
Thankfully everyone was able to launch their flutter demo application by the end of the day. Some students stayed behind after the class ended to keep working on their codes.