Soronko Academy held its graduation ceremony on Friday, September 17th, 2021, to crown the third National Female Pre Tech Program’s successful completion. The project began on August 30th, 2021, and ended on September 17th, 2021. The goal of the project was to prepare women for the Base program, which is a continuation of the Pre Tech training, by providing them with relevant basic mobile app development skills.
The day began with the participants coming in at their usual time and wrapping up their final projects. The Soronko Team, Project Beneficiaries (Students), and Project Trainer Miss Mazior were among those who attended the ceremony.
Miss Josephine Offei, Career Development Officer of Soronko, gave the opening address. She informed the ladies about her role and how they could benefit from their affiliation with the academy. Next to address the gathering was Ms. Harriet Bampoe, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at Soronko. She also briefed the ladies on her role and to be expectant of her continuous engagement with them after the training had ended.
This was followed by various groups of the graduating cohorts presenting their project work on their Figma designs and prototypes created. A total of six groups of four to three students each presented their work to the audience. To name a few, we had prototypes for prototypes, a gallery application they coded and ran on their phones, and they also built random word generators that could save some of their insights. There was also an e-commerce app they had created for a fashion website.
A panel of judges was assembled, consisting of one executive member of the academy and the manager of the business solutions center. As the ladies pitched their prototypes, the judges had questions for them. The judges were blown away by what the participants had accomplished in just three weeks. They encouraged the ladies to continue working hard to achieve their dreams and congratulated them on a job well done.
Each student received a certificate of completion. After that, group photos were taken.
To cap off the day, the students danced, sang karaoke, and had a good time. Most people have been able to sign up for the basic programme and are excited to continue their mobile app journey.