Day 6 of the National Female Pre-tech Training began with an Introduction to JavaScript. The trainer explained Javascript as a programming language that allows us to program behaviors into our projects or websites. The trainer stated that JavaScript is not Java. He used the example of Java is to Water as JavaScript is to watermelon.
They then moved on to discuss Variables. Variables were said to store pieces of information such as numbers or strings so they can use them later in their programs. They learned how to declare or define a variable and how to assign data to it. They talked about two different ways to do this. That is, you could define a variable and assign a value for that variable in one statement or you could separate it.
After this, they wrote sample variables in Grasshopper. They made use of those variables later in their application. Next, they talked about the Boolean data type. This data type was said to hold only true or false values.
Participants practiced with more examples on variables of the Boolean data type. They also talked about Arrays. These were said to store a list of data values. The trainer gave them the syntax for defining Array variables.
The next programming concept they talked about was how to add logic to their programs. The first one was writing conditions and making their programs respond in different ways when different conditions by using the ‘’if’’, ‘’else’’ “else if” statements. The trainers taught them how to do comparisons; the equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, etc. They practiced with different statements with all of these conditions.
Resuming from lunch break, they had a Kahoot session to test and refresh their knowledge on what they had learned so far.
Our CEO, Mrs. Regina Honu visited Grassroots Hub to interact with the leaders, trainers, and participants, observe the class and share her entrepreneurial journey, the benefits of learning to create technology, how to overcome your fears, and make an impact.
At this point, participants are familiar with the Internet, Content Management Systems(WIX), Integrated Development Environments, HTML 5, CSS, and now JavaScript. #PretechDiaries