The final day of Week 4 was wrapped up on 3rd July 2021 with a soft session with the Career Development Officer, Miss Josephine Offei, on presentation skills. She began her session by asking participants to share their experiences with presentations.
Some participants said they were shy and nervous during their first presentations. She then moved to explain what presentation is and the skills needed for a good presentation. According to her, presentation is the process of presenting the content of a topic to an audience consisting of one or more persons. It often utilizes visual aids or graphics.
She also walked them through planning and structuring presentations. This includes; Strategy ( purpose of presentation, audience and expectations, precision, research). She also spoke about the structure of one’s presentation flow, presentation style and personal confidence and handling questions.
She ended the session by giving the participants some checklists for presentations. This includes; preparing early, thinking about your audience, being clear about your purpose, using effective introduction and conclusion, being organised, sounding conversational, using visual aids and coping with stage fright.