We are excited to partner with MTN Ghana Foundation to launch the MTN Code Academy for the Deaf. We will be teaching students from the State school of the Deaf in Ashiaman to #Code and build an online student portal. This portal will serve as a tool for them to share activities within the school, share great educational content,educate us on the deaf and disabled community. It will be a tool to amplify and give them a voice.They will learn a skill that will help them get jobs and become economically independent. We will have classes every Tuesday and Friday at the School from 2:30pm to 4:30pm for a month
We had our first class which was amazing. We had volunteers from DartmouthCollege help us with the workshop. You can follow all our workshops by following #signyourcode
In the space of 10years, the MTN Foundation has implemented over 142 projects in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment at the total cost of over USD $13.3 million. These projects have impacted over four million people in Ghana. We are proud to partner with the leading telecommunications company that believes and works hard to give back in a meaningful way. #MTNFoundation #MTNFoundationat10